Hey Everyone, I'm organizing a Spoken Word Poetry Collab which you can view the details of in the NGAP Collab Center discord server which I'll post an invite link to here: https://discord.gg/QCmYyraxbk
The overview of the Collab is as follows:
"A Spoken Word Poetry Collab, that includes background music. There are roles for writers, musicians, speakers, singers, and voice actors. You can write and record yourself speaking your poem or hand over the speaking to someone else if you choose so. Musicians can compose an ambient background track that fills the space and sits under the spoken word poems. You can even sing your poem if you so choose."
The theme is "The reality that you want to see and manifest in the world". The word limit is 500 words. And ideally the poem will be SFW as we'd want to try to get it front paged. So far a deadline has not been set yet, as this Collab is in its early stages still with only a few participants so far. We still need Musicians who'd like to create an ambient BGM track that will play through the duration of the Collab. So if ambient music is your forte, then you might want to consider joining the Collab. Once there is enough interest and participation in the Collab, then I'll look at setting a deadline.
Hope to hear from any interested participants.
*Edit: There is an official thread on the Audio Forum for this collab now, the link can be found here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1523147
Made my way over to the server, but no trace of a SWPC channel so far...
I made a thread in the collabs-discussion channel.